HomeResilience Essentials

Resilience Essentials

Resilience as an adversity inteligence​

  • Adaptability inteligence

    AI – your & organisation’s ability to adopt quickly to new conditions, often changing circumstances with energy, courage, sense of influence, freshness & full engagement.

  • Recovery time

    RT – your & organisation’s ability to stand up and rebuild the inner resources after challenging, traumatic experiences, difficult changes that result with new vision, self confidence, transformed reputation & visibility.

  • Mental capacity

    MC – your ability to hold yourself & the team when facing adversity that activate stress patterns & know how to manage it that results with powerful narratives, stories that impact many in a constructive way.

Human neuroplasticity as the biggest asset

Resilience refers to human cognitive and affective potentials (optimism, wisdom, well-being, empathy, courage) that can be developed in the right social and ecological context. As a set of skills, it can be learned and grow.

Understanding neuroplasticity of the brain we know how to train the brain to gain more resilient mind. Those human abilities to create new neuronal connections and change the negative pathways into a feeling of control are in the core of our philosophy.

Resilience your INNER POWER

Becoming more resilient not only helps you get through difficult circumstances, it also empowers you to grow and even improve your life along the way.

The road to resilience is likely to involve considerable emotional distress.

Like building a muscle, increasing your resilience takes time and intentionality.

Post traumatic growth philosophy

“Resilience is not a destination; it is a way of being.
A “resilient organization” is not one that is simply able to return to where it left off before the crisis.

Rather, the truly resilient organization is one that has transformed, having built the attitudes, beliefs, agility, and structures into its DNA that enable it to not just recover to where it was, but vault forward—quickly.” – Deloitte.

Wanna understand resilience better?

Check a series of 3 short videos 
explaining the three components of RESILIENCE 21™️ approach

We do not talk post traumatic stress disorder,
we do post traumatic growth

PCM® assessment - your personality & stress pattern matters

A spaceship cabin can be a very stressful environment, where astronauts are demanded to have high emotional intelligence, teamworkphysical and mental readiness, and psychological agility. Take advantage of the tool used by NASA to understand your individual sequence, psychological needs.

Take advantage of the professional tool Process Communication Model (R) cocreated and used by NASA to understand your individual distress sequence, psychological needs and activate the action plan to build your wellbeing habits.

Let’s measure your resilience potential!

What PCM® can do for your organization’s resilience?

Increased impact - leadership culture

If you know each of your team members’ unique set of needs, you’ll know how to connect to and motivate everyone in their own way to achieve goals and bring fulfillment.

Less stress, more energy - wellbeing culture

Practicing PCM® will help you & your team turn potentially negative, stressful conversations, resistance to change or actions into positive, productive work and care for the mental health.

Increased effectiveness – feedback culture

Reducing miscommunication, activating empathy leads to more efficient teams. Less confusion, more clarity. Courage to give & receive feedback. Less talk, more action.

How Resilience helps your employees​

No matter the position or seniority in the organization we all need to build the regenerative culture at work, train the brain and expand the resilience muscle.